My blogging has taken a big time hit. Just don’t seem motivated to sit and write down…don’t know why, have I hit the writer’s block….or is it just the fact that I don’t find the daily happenings interesting anymore to pen them. Oh well, no point brooding over it, have decided to just jot down what & when I feel like it. In any case, it’s not like I have a ton of readers subscribed to the blog and feel left out if I don’t write.
So what’s up…May and June have been a bit crazy for me. There are lot of happenings in the office, Some good and some bad…remember we are a small company in the telecom sector and business has taken a significant hit due to the downturn. Things are pretty fluid. I have been pretty tied up at work though, but have also seen quite some folks with whom I have worked and now become close friends decide to leave for better pastures. In a way it maybe good for them.
Am also trying to get my groove back into a thing called fitness…Can’t believe I could run 10kms sometime last year. Man, this thing has been hurting me for ages, I reach a certain level of fitness and then it all comes down…it’s like hitting a plateau as you are trying to climb a mountain and then you take a break, the break gets too long and then rather than further climbing the mountain you start the descent cos’ it’s too late. Yes, have been in this rut for a long time and don’t see a way out. Am desperately hoping this doesn’t happen with my cycling. Have cycled 4 times in the first week of June and about 3 times in the second week to an overall cycling update of :-
Total Distance Covered on Merida: 1269 Kms approximately
Total Distance Covered on Cycle: 1839 Kms approximately
See the plateau problem, I covered ~1000 kms on my Merida TFS 100 V from late Feb to late April that’s about 2 months and in the next one-and-half months I have covered only about 270kms. What can I attribute this slump to…rut, the daily grind. Any work/other pressures that come along the way and my fitness regimen takes a hit. Somehow need to inculcate discipline, it’s not that I don’t know that if I do go out for a run/ride things get clearer…but hey, it’s still not happening. Hey maybe it’s the rains…the weather is much colder, the rains make the earth much greener and I just feel so good tucked in bed.
On the 5/6/7th of June, had been to Ooty along with my office buddies. We have a staff welfare club at office, all of us contribute a paltry 100Rs every month and then over a period of time spend it organizing trips, group events, passing out T-Shirts/Jackets…yes the fun stuff…it keeps the fun in the workplace concept going. It was hectic, we left for Ooty from BLR on Friday night, reached Ooty on 6th morning. Lazed around, went to Coonoor, came back to Ooty and headed back on the 7th. It was great fun, and kudos to the young organizers who did an impressive job. Oh forgot to mention, I went alone, my ever accommodating wife and son, had absolute no qualms in allowing me to go on a “bachelor” outing.
Yogesh Ranade
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