Friday, May 15, 2009

2 weeks into May 2009

May has turned out to be pretty hectic this year. Unfortunately my cycling has taken a big hit. I have not been able to cycle as much as I would have liked in these 2 weeks gone by. I might have cycled maybe only a couple of times so I  guess there’s no point recording those details.

It’s been a month since Sawani and Arjun left for Pune and I guess my forced bachelorhood is coming to a close. It’s been interesting, man does life change. I have spent so many years alone while studying and growing up, but now it does feel a whole lot different. Maybe I will post a separate post on that sometime.

I am posting this from my home in Pune. Yes I travelled to Pune last Wednesday (13th May). My primary reason being to be at home with my parents for sometime and celebrate my 7th wedding anniversary (14th May) in Pune since Sawani and Arjun are also there.  We plan to then go back to Bangalore over the weekend. They were in Pune for almost an entire month. Both of them have had a lovely and wonderful time in Pune with family and friends although Pune weather hasn’t been that great at all. It’s consistently hitting 40+ temperatures during the day time. Pune has (de)morphed into something so totally different from about 5-10 years back. Temperature is soaring, roads are shortening, traffic is bursting to seams..the once laid back people of Pune seem to be caught up in the race of their lives…it’s getting apparent and extremely pulsating. Pune is about 850 kms from Bangalore and I normally travel by my car. This time around was also no exception. I travelled alone, started at 2:30 am on the 12th and reached Pune at 1:30pm on the 13th. A distance of 850 kms in 11:30 hrs. Now that’s something on Indian roads, although I might add, that the Mumbai-Bangalore NH4 is now way upto International standards barring a couple of 100 kilometers primarily in Karnataka.

Being in Pune has been fun so far. It’s a great feeling when Arjun hugs me and says he was missing me. In fact I have taken priority for him, than even his grand-parents now ;) Distance and being apart from your loved ones over a period of time does eventually get you closer to them. We plan to travel to Mumbai in the later part of the day today. My very close buddies Vikram and Nital have moved into their new home in Mumbai and we are going across to see their new pad. They have worked hard, and we know what having your own home means. It’s an awesome and indescribable feeling. We plan to be back tomorrow in Pune and then in the later part of the day head back to Bangalore. It’s going to be hectic but lot of fun as well.

Yogesh Ranade

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