Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Cycling Updates…

15th Jan: 10 km ride to the office; No gym; At office; 10 km ride back home

16th Jan: No gym; 9.5 km ride to the office and 9.5 kms back home

17th, 18th Jan: Saturday and Sunday, decided to rest and let my muscles recover. Went and cleaned up my cycle. WD-40 sprayed, grime removed from the chains, lubricated with oil. The oil that I have seems a bit thick, I need to look for really thin oil, but for some reason not able to get Singer oil anywhere nearby. Still on the lookout.

19th Jan: No gym; 9.5 km ride to the office and 9.5 kms back home

20th Jan: 10 km ride to the office; No gym; At office; 10 km ride back home

21st Jan: 10 km ride to the office; No gym; At office; 10 km ride back home

So overall it’s been pretty good. I have been able to build some strength in my legs and feel more and more comfortable.

Total Distance Covered on Cycle So Far: About 193 kms


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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Yogya ,

Seen the photos of Goa Trip sent by you. Some pics of sunset are really beautiful.

1700 Kms in 3 days - Tu kay shana aahes.. Manus aahes ki musalman....