Tuesday, February 10, 2009


My cycling has continued pretty well.

5th Feb: 20 kms: No pain, no tiredness. Absolute fun
6th Feb: 20 kms
7th Feb: Saturday: Decided to take the day off…
8th Feb: 30kms in 1hr 40 minutes. Decided to test my endurance and time my run on the 15km loop near my house. Started at 9:40 am and felt pretty good. Carried with me a bottle of water and was off towards Kundalahalli gate onwards to Hoodi village and then take the road to Whitefield, via ITPL back to Brookefields. Was able to do the lap (15 kms) in exactly 50 minutes. Had a heavy gust of wind hitting across me, so decided to travel the loop in the opposite direction. Was able to complete the next loop in again exactly 50 minutes at 11:20. Didn’t drink the water I carried, but my lips were pretty parched. Did a lap around my complex walking to get rid of the bums on the saddle feel. Felt pretty good. Now for the reason of naming this post as “Pistons”…well as Lance

Amstrong mentioned in his book “It’s not about the bike”, he felt his legs as Pistons hammering down on the pedals to propel his bicycle to great speeds…Although nowhere near and will never be, atleast I think I can imagine and feel some of the emotions that he goes through. Awesome…
9th Feb: Break: Went to office by car; carried my clothes for the next week
10th Feb: 20 kms. Had a near death experience, when was trying to come back on the road from the gravel near HAL helicopter division. My front wheel couldn’t make the jump onto the road (which was about 15-20 inches up) and I had to balance my cycle on the road, with a bus right behind me. Thankfully the bus was slow and was able to brake at the right time, with the driver motioning me that I was “ready for a launch” :) Any case what is life without the risk.

Total Distance Covered: 420kms



उपाध्यायजी(Upadhyayjee) said...
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उपाध्यायजी(Upadhyayjee) said...

Wow!! What a update on 10th Feb :). Adventerous!! No life without risk.