Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Brain Buzzed

Recently setup my twitter account. Tried to setup such that I could update my tweets using my BSNL Cellone phone. Unfortunately, the activation code/number that tweeter provides, when I try to send a SMS to that number, it fails to reach. Looks like the BSNL SMSC doesn’t have a clue about the said number. That doesn’t help..since I would have loved to use Tweeter..

In any case, I tried plugging the “Twitter doesn't work with BSNL Cellone” on google and the first site that showed up was … 

Visited the site and unfortunately it didn’t have any content related to the actual query. In any case, the search did bring me to an interesting site…and that too from Bangalore. It looks to be hosted by a techie from Bangalore named Prashant. Seems to be generating quite a bit of traffic. Went to the “Blogs I read” section and followed 2 bloggers, more so since the name of the blogs caught my attention A girl who blogs about the world as she sees it through her eyes. Blogs on varied topics and has a decent amount of traffic A blog by an Infoscian techie/hacker. Talks about various items he works on. A site dedicated to the events happening in Bangalore I like the way the blog is designed. Check out the header at the top and the disclaimer at the bottom. Pretty cool design. Lot’s of stuff in here. While was at it came across here that there are twitter IM bots which can update your twitter status. While doing so also found out a neat widget that places twitter updates on your blog/website. Already installed that, see it on the right. Now trying to play with the IM bots and see if they work for me.

Also came across a very comprehensive site called Digital Inspiration. It’s maintained by a professional blogger named Amit Agarwal and is voted among the top 40 blogs in the entire world.

Phew, what’s happening around here …Google has really changed the landscape and I working in a telecom firm for the past 10 years have really had no idea…still working primarily on using C/C++…and look where the world has headed.

Brain buzzed…


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