Friday, May 01, 2009

Blog Entries via SMS

I realized looking at the blog archive that I haven’t written much in the month of April. I guess it was due to quite a bit of activities happening..but that should have actually resulted in more blogs. Sometimes it just doesn’t work out to log onto the computer and then type and post a blog. I wish there was something more simpler to post blogs…I wish it could be done via the mobile phone. I mean via an SMS, I could just send out an SMS and the entry gets posted on my blog. Does it work on blogger ? I don’t think so. There’s a company that works on a similar concept via email/sms Posterous. I did open a blog there, but not sure that’s going anywhere since I am unable to set my phone to do that. In any case google folks should notice it sometime and may provide us with this useful capability.

Yogesh Ranade


Below Tree said...

Yogesh Ranade said...

Haha...Is that you miya ? Good one. Please add me so that I can also post to it
